Freddy came to the UK as an asylum seeker and had been granted his stay when he contacted akt.

He was looking for employment and support to settle in Manchester. Despite finding it difficult to complete his akt assessment, he did so and he was matched with a mentor, who he met with weekly. His mentor was very supportive, listening to him, guiding him and giving him much needed emotional support. She also helped him maintain his employment and passed on any concerns she had about him to akt staff.

Regular reviews helped maintain the relationship and the support he needed. Freddy thrived during his mentoring, and made the most of opportunities to meet other young people at social activities and events. He worked with akt staff to initially access a hostel and then social housing, and was awarded a grant via the Rainbow Starter Packs. He was also given support to find employment and was supported financially to get clothes for work. Freddy is still doing well in his job and is well respected by colleagues. He is ambitious and hopes to do well. He still has his tenancy, and continues to have contact with his family and has a good and supportive network of friends.

We believe no young person should have to choose between a safe home and being who they are. If you'd like to support our work with young LGBTQ+ people facing or experiencing homelessness, click here.

Photo: Zackary Drucker, The Gender Spectrum Collection