Our research showed that most young people sought support from their friends whilst homeless, with low levels turning to support services and low levels of awareness of a range of support services available.

Just one third (35%) of LGBTQ+ young people sought support from their local authority while homeless

Almost three quarters (74%) of LGBTQ+ young people said they sought support from friends while homeless

Less than half (45%) of LGBTQ+ young people approached community organisations while homeless

"it’s difficult to be the queer person and also the homeless person" fran (he/them/sometimes she)

Less than half of LGBTQ+ young people who are homeless are aware of housing support services available to them. Just 38 per cent of people of colour were aware of housing support services.

Less than half (42%) of LGBTQ+ young people were aware of mental health support. Just 38 per cent of disabled people were aware of mental health support and 40 per cent of people of colour were aware of these services.

Just one third (33%) of LGBTQ+ young people were aware of benefit and welfare support. This drops to two in ten (21%) people of colour and less than three in ten (29%) trans people

Nearly one quarter (24%) of LGBTQ+ young people facing homelessness weren’t aware of any support services available to them. One third (33%) of people of colour facing homelessness weren’t aware of any support services available to them.