Welcome to #WhyWeExist! Our 2023 LGBTQ+ History Month Campaign.

Like many members of the LGBTQ+ Community, we are frustrated. In 2023, a charity like akt that supports LGBTQ+ young people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, should not need to exist. But with 24% of young people who are at risk of homelessness identifying as LGBTQ+, our services are more vital than ever.

This LGBTQ+ history month, akt have created a timeline of political and historical landmarks that have impacted queer life in the UK and beyond. Life can be very difficult for LGBTQ+ people, decisions are made on our behalf, and we know that just because we have made steps forward, doesn’t mean that progress and equity has been achieved.

This timeline shows how far we have come, and how much of a fight we still have left.

A cost of living crisis, increased levels of hate on the streets and in the press, mean that LGBTQ+ young people are particularly vulnerable. Every young person should have the freedom to live freely in an environment that is safe and supportive, that's #WhyWeExist.

Email your MP now to make LGBTQ+ youth homelessness a priority.

To download a copy click here or on the interactive timeline below

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