Statement: Government Hate Crime Statistics

The recent statistics released by the Home Office are stark, but unsurprising. The statistics point to a 41% increase in reported hate crimes against LGB people and a shocking 56% against trans people.

Our research found that almost two thirds (61 per cent) of LGBTQ+ young people were frightened or threatened by their family members before they became homeless, and half of LGBTQ+ young people (50 per cent) who were happy to answer said they feared that expressing their LGBTQ+ identity to family members would lead to them being forced out of their own homes. Our research also found that trans young people were more likely to have experienced abuse.

The abuse and discrimination that young people face often does not end when they leave home. Young people experiencing homelessness are also more susceptible to hate crimes and discrimination, and we know that crimes against homeless people often go unreported.

We also know that abuse inside the home can be a direct causing factor of youth homelessness. According to our research, two thirds (66 per cent) of LGBTQ+ young people said they were repeatedly belittled by their family members to the extent that they felt worthless before they became homeless. More than half (52 per cent) of LGBTQ+ young people said they experienced this abuse while homeless. This was the experience for 54 per cent of trans people whilst they were homeless compared to 49 per cent who aren’t trans. These are difficult statistics to read and speak to the verbal and physical abuse that has been suffered by many of the young people akt work with.

Last week's hate crime figures are a reminder that we need to protect young LGBTQ+ people from unsafe environments. Now, more than ever it's important we must build critical pathways into safe, affordable, and inclusive housing for LGBTQ+ young people.

If you are in need of support around LGBTQ+ abuse or hate crimes, please contact Galop.

To find out more about how akt supports young LGBTQ+ people at risk of homelessness, please visit the help section of our website.