akt is excited to announce that our new website is coming soon - we're launching in October! Behind the scenes, we have been working hard to create the best possible experience for our service users and community to access what they are looking for.

With the help of some amazing people and organisations, akt has taken the time to evaluate how we can improve the experience of our services users. We've made our new website even more accessible, with our live chat feature and crucial information about housing resources, support and guidance all available at the click of a button.

Our young people said they wanted to see more self-help guides on our new website, so we have uploaded a diverse selection of resources, on topics ranging from mental health to dating safely. All of these guides are available on our online hub, which is directly accessible through our home page.

We haven't re-branded - but our new design layout has made it even easier to access support and information directly. 

Keep your eye out, we will be launching next month.

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